Monday, February 7, 2011

The Significance Of Software Monitoring And Why You Should Get It

Software monitoring is a program that allows the owner or user of a personal computer to scrutinize the activities being undertaken by other individuals who share the computer network. It is one of the most sophisticated inventions that allow a computer owner to control online activity among other uses. This program has proven helpful to many individuals as it prevents users sharing a computer network from accessing in questionable online material.

One of the primary importance of the program is monitoring online content. This has particularly been helpful to bosses and parents as it has allowed them to access emails, chat rooms, websites, blog spots among other web material. The bosses have been able to control the web activity at the work place hence, restrain workers from engaging in idle and unproductive online activity during working hours. Some bosses have taken this to another level by blocking social networks and websites which promote idleness at work.

The parents who have minor children have probably benefited more from this program. Since it allows one to monitor incoming and outgoing messages, both in the email and chat rooms, parents have been able to protect their underage children from online predators and other questionable online activity. They have also been able to regulate the content accessible to their children.

Since there are many programs in the market to help one gain control over the internet, there are factors to consider when purchasing the monitoring programs. Top on the list is the eligibility of the buyer. In order for one to buy the programs they must fulfill one of three criteria used. They must be parents of a minor or prove that they own a computer or that they have consent of other users of their networks to install the program. Once you fulfill any of the three criteria then you can purchase licensed and legal software for your computer or network.

The advantage of using these programs is that they are very discreet so that those whose activities are monitored might not even be aware of the act and one can easily filter web content and block other sites without people ever knowing your identity. This program also alerts the owner of the computer whenever keywords with expletives, sexually explicit phrases or profane words are used. This way the owner can block chat rooms and emails or websites that promote this content. PC monitoring and administration is another vital feature. This allows the computer owner or administrator to remotely control the computer using common commands. This may include restarting the computer, enabling or disabling software, freezing the mouse among others. The feature also enables one to track the time spent on the internet on a particular site. It should also include automatic screen shots of the desktop's users and it should track documents and store data.

Apart from parents, the software monitoring program has been very useful to bosses who want to curtail abuse of working hours through idle blogging and unproductive online activity. Employers have been able to monitor their employee's online activities and some have even blocked social networks which are viewed to consume working hours. In this case, employees are also able to monitor emails, chats and gauge the seriousness of the employees in serious, productive and work related tasks.

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