Friday, July 8, 2011

Mastering Passing Can Be Important To Succeeding In A FIFA 11 PS3 Tournament

To win a FIFA 11 PS3 tournament you need to master the basics; shooting, tackling and passing. The most important of all being passing. In FIFA there are various ways in which you can pass the ball and to beat the better the players you need to be able to perform all in the blink of an eye. Doing so will give you a much better chance of winning a tournament online or live.

One of part of the game that is integral to everything is passing and in FIFA this is no different. There are several types of pass that you will need to master in order to beat the better players in online tournaments. The most basic of all the moves is the short pass which can be accomplished by the depressing of the X button and holding the Left analogue stick in the direction you wish the ball to be played. The game also takes into consideration the length you hold down the X button too so depending on the distance away a team mate is should determine how long you hold the X button for.

The next pass to learn is the long pass, this will allow you to bypass opposition players and hopefully create goalscoring opportunities. To play the long pass press and hold the O button, the longer you hold the O button the further your long pass will go. A better use of the long pass however is to use it to switch the play, whilst it can be used to counter attack a better way to do so will be disclosed further on.

One way to open up your opposition is to play a through ball, this can be done by pressing and holding the triangle button. Again the longer the button is held the harder the ball will be played. Timing of the pass is crucial to playing a successful through ball, make sure you practice in the arena to ensure you always spot your strikers making offensive runs.

The next type of pass is the one-two, holding the L1 button whilst playing a pass will make the passer make a forward run, when the receiving player has the ball press the pass button again and the ball will be returned to the original passer, this time however he may find himself in more space. An improvement on the one-two is instead of pressing the pass button, in advanced areas you can instead play a through ball, the run of the original passer means that the opposition will find him difficult to mark.

The next level to the one-two is to play a lobbed through ball instead of the normal pass or through ball. This can be done by holding the R1 button whilst playing a through ball, instead of playing the ball along the ground to the player the ball will be lobbed into his pass for him to run onto. This is by far the best way in FIFA to create goalscoring opportunities, master this pass and you will have the beating of most online players.

In FIFA you should make sure that you are able to play every pass without out even contemplating it, as you would expect you will need to practice a little and the best place for this is in the training arena. Once you are confident of having mastered all types of passing take your skills to online tournaments. Having a good range of passing ensures that you become as unpredictable as possible giving you the best chance to succeed

The best tip if you want to win a FIFA 11 PS3 tournament is to practice. If you can perform the basics well you stand a good chance of beating any player. Also do not be afraid to keep the ball and make your opponent work to retain possession, if he's following the ball there is a good chance he is leaving himself vulnerable, locate where he is weakest and use your passing skills to attack

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